Well, now that break is over and we are pretty much back into the swing of things at school, it's back to blogging! And with this new semester of blogging, I have a pretty interesting new book that I'm really excited to read. Yet, there's one problem- we're about to start reading Fahrenheit 451 in class and reading two books at the same time is not exactly my specialty. So, as a solution, I decided to give myself a little "sneak preview" of my book, Slated, just to get myself interested but not too engaged just yet. However, it was very difficult not to get engaged, even though I only got two chapters into it.
As I was buying Fahrenheit 451 at the book store, I was looking for a new book and I saw this one. I have to admit, I am guilty of judging books by their cover, so when I saw this one, it immediately grabbed my attention because of the interesting cover and just the title itself. As a result, I decided to open up the book and take a quick look at the synopsis. I was suddenly pulled into the book even more when it described a girl, named Kyla, whose memory had been erased by the government as a punishment for terrorism, but begins to remember things from her past life. Yes, I know what you're thinking - another dystopian book with that brave person who decides to go against society. Well, I thought the exact same thing as I am pretty worn out on dystopian novels, as well, but this one seemed more interesting than others and I still can't figure out why that is. Initially, I wasn't planning on buying this book, but after a last minute book swap as I was standing in line to check out, I chose this book and I am so glad I did. The very first words of this book in the prologue greet you with intense adventure, "I run. Fists of waves claw the sand as I force one foot to pound after the other. Scramble up, slip down, repeat. Faster. Eyes fixed on the dunes ahead. Don't look back. Mustn't look. Ragged breath; in, out, in, out. Still I run." What is she running from? Where is she? What in the world is going on? Unfortunately I have no idea because that was just the prologue and at chapter one, the author takes you back to the very beginning. And since we are reading a book in class, that's even longer I have to wait to read this book. But the likeliness of me waiting is pretty slim...