Sunday, August 24, 2014

Summer Reading

In my summer reading book, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, the characters contribute to the plot of the book in a very important way because of how complex they are. Over the course of the text, the three main characters, Greg, Earl, and Rachel, develop and change very much because of what they go through throughout the story. Over time, the reader learns a lot about the characters of the book by the way in which they respond to one another's actions and to what happens to them. For example, when Rachel is diagnosed with cancer, Greg and Earl respond in a way that shows that they are concerned for Rachel, but don't care very much because they don't know her very well. However, since Greg's mother forces him and Earl to spend time with Rachel, whose health is deteriorating, Greg and Earl begin to realize that Rachel won't be around for much longer, and take matters more seriously by spending more and more time with her. At first, Rachel believes that there is a chance that she could survive throughout the battle, but, even though Greg and Earl attempt to make her life better, Rachel begins to lose hope and accept the reality that she won't be around for much longer. These characters develop the theme because they show that nothing lasts forever, so one must enjoy and make the most out of what they have, while they have it. They show this because Greg and Earl have to make the most out of what is left of Rachel's life and enjoy her presence while it is still available to them, even they don't realize it before Rachel is gone.

In this article, the author reviews the book and discusses how this book is nothing like the stereotypical cancer book, where the characters fall in love and it is all a romance novel. This article discusses how this novel shows the true reality of the situation and the difference between it and, for example, The Fault In Our Stars. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl article


  1. I enjoyed how you connected the theme to the characters' development. It helped me see how the whole book was put together and how the elements of fiction worked together to create a book worth reading.

  2. I enjoyed your summary and how you compared your book to the fault in our stars. This gave me a clear understanding and relation. Plus I love the details you included in your summary! This was really good and I have now added this to my wish list, so thank you and good job!
